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Globe Trotter Uzzal

Travel makes one modest,you see what a tiny place you occupy in the world

  • Songi Cycle O Aradha Prithibi

  • And East Africa

  • Cross USA


  • Crisscrossing USA and globe by cycling

    By Ashrafuz Zaman Uzzal, thereport24.com, Dhaka: Someone who has been allured by the call of traveling cannot remain in caged life at home. Traveling is like intoxication. I have been roaming across the world from one pole to another for last 22 years. In this way I have visited 54 countries, ...

  • Magic bike: 54 countries in 18 years on two wheels and an addiction

    For Bangladesh cyclist and writer Mohammed Ashrafuz Zaman, travelling the world means the world to him. “Everyone has a priority or an addiction in life. For me, that happens to be travelling,” says Mohammed Ashrafuz Zaman in an assertive tone. This wanderer from Bangladesh has explored 54 countries across six continents ...

By Ashrafuz Zaman Uzzal, thereport24.com, Dhaka: Someone who has been allured by the call of traveling cannot remain in caged life at home. Traveling is like intoxication. I have been roaming across the world from one pole to another for last 22 years. In this way I have visited 54 countries, have got two books on traveling named “Shongi Cycle and Araddho Prithibi” and “East Africa”. I have also edited two travelogues titled “Bhromoner Kherokhata” and “Experience Bangladesh.” Humans have been traveling from the primitive age. Most of such journeys in the past were aimless without pondering over that much.  [ Read More ]

For Bangladesh cyclist and writer Mohammed Ashrafuz Zaman, travelling the world means the world to him. “Everyone has a priority or an addiction in life. For me, that happens to be travelling,” says Mohammed Ashrafuz Zaman in an assertive tone. This wanderer from Bangladesh has explored 54 countries across six continents over 18 years, and there was little reason to doubt the seriousness of this self-professed world traveller. A large part of his 18-year travels between 1994 and 2012 was on his preferred mode of transportation, his trusty bicycle, which he describes as cost-effective. “People will stop to talk to you when  [ Read More ]

Cross USA


Crisscrossing USA an

By Ashrafuz Zaman Uzzal, thereport24.com, Dhaka: Someone who has been allured ...

Magic bike: 54 count

For Bangladesh cyclist and writer Mohammed Ashrafuz Zaman, travelling the ...
